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Name :Hurricane
Translated from Kashmiri by :- Pitamber Nath Dhar “Fani”
Lyricist :- Prem Nath Shad
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Alas! In the chaos and commotion of cities and towns, the lacerated and tremulous voice (of sanity and reason) has been shifled and struck dumb and rendered as inaudible as shrieks and shouts and wails and whines in the wilderness!

Exposed to the onslaughts of the hurricanes (of tyranny and injustice), the mortal frame of the human being is awfully a tremble (like autumn leaves) and profusely bleeding!

The wings (of free-thinking) have been clipped, the flights (of imagination) crippled and the highway (of smooth and peaceful living) barred and blocked, with destination nowhere in sight!

The very existence of the human being is shrouded in the mist (of fear and uncertainty)! Lost are the colourful vestiges and pageants (of humanism and moral integrity and sublimity)!

How woeful! The very brook that kept flowing and bubbling for ages together, investing its banks and fringes, gardens and parks and fields and flower-beds with verdure and filling them with all-pervading aroma (fragrance), has been now pining for a few drops of water!

Gone are the days of the windfalls and bounties of Fate and Nature! The adage of “Truth, Beauty and Goodness” has been degraded to a mere figment of imagination!

The luminous leaves of the Book of Life have been scattered and torn as under with their golden letters and words, all erased, mutilated and wiped out!

How sad! The placid ocean has been violently rocked by raging storms and surging waves! The holiday-makers and picnickers have been (miserably) pulled down to the very bottom of the Deeps! Even precious gems like rubies! emeralds and diamonds and glistening pearls lie scattered here and there, quite in disarray!

Has! The “Land of Bounties” (the “Paradise on the Earth”) has been targetted and engulfed by unfavourable cyclonic winds! The gifts from the Heaven have been, unfortunately, abandoned-unused and unavailed of!

Poet “Shad”(in the face of suppression and tyranny), it is not so easy for a weakling to set and hold his foot firmly on the ground; so he has kept himself hanging between the sky and the earth! (He finds himself between the devil and the deep sea!)

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